Save Time and Money with Your Library Card

When thinking of ways to save money in these tough economic times, the public library might be your best bet.  For those of you who pay attention to personal finance, the public library should be near the top of the list of money-saving resources. It’s true that we have unprecedented access to a lot of free information and services, but there are still some expenses that can be significantly reduced if we take the time to use the library’s resources.
Top Ten Advantages to Having a Library Card:
  1. Books. If you enjoy turning the pages of a solid tome in your hands, there are many advantages to borrowing books from the library. Besides being free, library books can be requested online and picked up at any location you like. Public libraries usually have bestsellers and new non-fiction titles in prominent easy-to-browse displays.  Treat your library visit like a shopping trip and peruse what’s new.
  2. DVDs. No matter what you pay to rent movies, it costs more than checking them out from your local library. Picking up DVDs from the library isn’t as convenient as Netflix or other home streaming video services, but it’s still frugal.  You can go online and put movies on hold, browse by subject, actor, or release date.
  3. CDs. Again, pick them up for free, listen to them for free.
  4. Downloads. It’s a little-known fact that many libraries allow cardholders to download audio and electronic books, movies, and MP3s from the comfort of their homes. How exciting is that?
  5. Museum Passes. Lots of libraries hold one or two passes to local museums that cardholders can check out for a day in order to avoid entrance fees. These passes tend to be popular though, so it’s a good idea to stop by the library early in the day to request them. Libraries sometimes also offer free passes for patrons to attend concerts and local events. 
  6. Software/Databases. We are fortunate to be able to access a lot of free information and tools from our homes thanks to Google and open source applications, but libraries often have subscriptions to resources like LexisNexis, Gale Cengage databases, local history resources, and the Adobe Creative Suite. All you need to access them is a library card.
  7. Librarians. These people are trained to research and find answers to all of your most probing questions completely free of charge, and most of them really enjoy doing it. Librarians are there to help you find any type information that you might be looking for, whether it’s a phone number, a tax form, or how to access library services — just ask!
  8. Classes. Libraries exist to encourage life-long learning, so they frequently offer classes or discussions on a variety of subjects. You usually don’t need a library card to attend these, and they can range in subject from arts and crafts to how to purchase real estate.  Many libraries also offer online courses on various subjects.
  9. Wi-Fi. Absolutely always free. 
  10. A Place to Kick Up Your Feet. Unlike Starbuck’s, at the library you can settle in for some quality work, studying or reading without having to fork over $10.00 for a latte and a muffin.
Besides offering so many important things for free, libraries are community staples and great places to learn about what’s going on in your neighborhood. Explore what your local library has to offer — your wallet may thank you!

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